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Early College High School

Since 2007, LCPS has offered eighth graders ready to enter high school the opportunity to take a different path — the opportunity to complete requirements for a high school diplomas while also obtaining credits toward a college degree.

Lenoir County Early College High School isn’t for everyone; but for those students who have the initiative and self-discipline, it is an effective — and efficient — way to take a giant step toward career goals.

Early College High School operates in cooperation with Lenoir Community College on the college’s campus in Kinston. Students typically take five years to finish a program that rewards them with a high school diploma and an associate degree from LCC in the same week. Many students can then transfer those credits to a four-year institution, where they essentially enter with two years of college work already behind them — two years completed without cost to them or their parents. A small student body — 208 in 2017-2018 — and small class size contribute to the intimate feel of Early College High School and enable the accelerated pace at which students move through the curriculum.

The Class of 2018 was Early College High School’s largest graduating class to date with 56 students. Students and parents interested in learning more about Lenoir County Early College High School should speak with their middle school counselor. Informational meetings for students and parents are typically held each February, with applications due in March.