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Elementary School

fourth graders pose in their classroom with teacher

The goal of Elementary Programs is to build a strong foundation for learning throughout a student’s life. The learning that occurs in elementary school forms the basis of all other learning. It is our goal to provide support for schools as they ensure all elementary students receive an equitable, rigorous and meaningful education. Resources and professional development for teachers are provided so they are equipped to support student success. Elementary teachers meet weekly in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to collaborate in order to meet the needs of all students.

The LCPS Elementary Program includes instruction and assessments that are aligned with the LCPS Curriculum Guides. Elementary teachers utilize formative, diagnostic, benchmark, and summative data to inform instruction. Instruction is differentiated and scaffolded with opportunities for intervention, re-teaching and enrichment as guided by assessment data. Digital learning is used as a vehicle to support the instruction of content standards. Twenty-first Century learning is incorporated to support the development of collaboration, communication, creativity, and problem-solving skills. A regular school day should include at least 90 minutes devoted to English Language Arts, 60-90 minutes of mathematics, 30 minutes of Science/Social Studies (may be taught on alternating weeks), 30 minutes of intervention/enrichment, and 30 minutes of recess.

In addition to classroom instruction, many schools also provide extracurricular activities for our students such as a county wide spelling bee, Elementary Science Olympiad, Science Fair, after school End of Grade preparation sessions, and student wellness activities. It is our intent to help all of our students develop into well rounded individuals and to prepare them for the next level of their education.