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Job Shadowing Program

Job shadowing students visit Veterans Home

One of the primary goals at LCPS is to ensure our high school seniors leave us not only with a diploma but also with a plan – that is, a pretty firm idea of where they want to take their lives and how they’re going to get there. Whether their next step is toward college or the military or the workforce, ultimately that plan is going to center on a career choice. Beginning in middle schools, LCPS acquaints students with a variety of vocations and the education and skills they require, all in the hope of helping students identify a career that will be both lucrative and fulfilling.


For students in our Career and Technical Education (CTE) program, getting acquainted with a career means spending some time with it. Career fairs held at our schools bring young people face-to-face with adults doing interesting work at businesses, manufacturing facilities, agencies and institutions in Lenoir County. Our on-going job shadowing program puts students inside those worksites for a first-hand look at how inclinations and aptitude become skills and how skills become a career. Internships further immerse students in the world of work, providing hands-on instruction while offering invaluable experience.

Of course, the key element in any of this career-oriented instruction is the partnership between LCPS and employers in the region. Fortunately, a large number of local employers, from the biggest manufacturers to the oldest family-owned businesses, share the school district’s dedication to developing good work skills, solid work habits and the desire to succeed in the workplace. The benefits for LCPS and our students are obvious; for our partners, the payoff is their playing an important role in a process that could eventually bring knowledgeable, qualified applicants into their hiring office.

Employers who recognize the potential of their businesses as learning labs and who would like to take part in career fairs or job shadowing and internship experiences are encouraged to contact Brittany Harrison, high school career development coordinator, at 252-527-9184, Ext. 1399 or