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Meals & Menus

School Cafe

Good nutrition is as important to success at school as paying attention in class. Hungry children are going to be preoccupied with their hunger, not focused on listening to the teacher or taking a test. LCPS is committed to limiting the impact of hunger and poor nutrition as much as possible in Lenoir County through innovative programs that operate both during the school year and during the summer.

No-cost meals

In August 2014, LCPS quit charging students for breakfast and lunch -- the first school district in North Carolina to avail itself of new USDA reimbursement policies that made these no-cost meals possible. The new system has several advantages beyond saving parents money -- a lot less paperwork both at home and at school, the elimination of the stigma associated with the former free and reduced-price meals, and improved efficiency in the serving line -- but the greatest advantage lies in the greater numbers. More students are eating breakfast and lunch at school -- participation is up 25 to 30 percent under the no-cost program -- and more students are going to class prepared to learn.

All meals served in our cafeterias are prepared according to the high standards established under the USDA's Federal School Nutrition Program. A premium is put on nutritional value, which extends to the healthy snacks students can purchase from the a la carte menu.