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Student Assignment & Transfer Requests

Goals of Student Transportation Services, Policy 6300, now provides specific rules regarding student ridership to and from schools within Lenoir County but outside of their normal attendance zones. Except as otherwise provided in board policies, the board will provide school transportation services for students residing outside of their designated school assignment areas ONLY as noted below and subject to the following priority:

  1. Students attending a school-specific academic program which is not offered at their designated school;
  2. Students who are children of current Lenoir County Public Schools employees; and
  3. Students who apply and are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis to use existing available transportation seating within the bus routes being used for in-district transportation of students.

To ensure equity when identifying first-come, first-serve, we have created an online application for our intra-district transfer requests. All intra-district transfer requests must be completed using the online application whether transportation is being requested or not. A time stamp will be provided to determine first-come, first serve.

Principals at receiving schools will then decide if the transfer request will be accepted or denied. If a transfer request is accepted, our Transportation Department will be notified and seat availability shall be determined. If there is seating capacity available, the parent/guardian will be notified after the first 10 days of school. Seating capacity should not be expected during the first 10 days of school and is not guaranteed for the entire school year. If at any point during the school year a student who resides in the school attendance zones requires transportation, that student has seating priority. Please understand that bus seating availability will be limited and no bus routes will be altered to accommodate students attending their normal attendance zones.

Intra-district transfer requests must be completed by using the online form made available in the spring prior to the next school year. If you have any questions regarding the out-of-district transfer request policy and or procedure, please ask your principal.

The process for transferring a student out of this school district -- that is, into a school system in another county or state -- begins with parents/caretakers filling out and submitting to LCPS Central Services a Student Release Form. That form is below and is different from the Intra-District Transfer Request form.

Intra-District Transfer Request Form

Student Release Form

The difference in the two processes (and the two forms) is explained in more detail here.
Student Release Form (FROM LCPS to new school district)
-Student release is needed when a student resides in Lenoir County, but wants to attend school in another county/district.
-Student must be released from the school district (LCPS) in which the student resides and is assigned/zoned to attend
Example: Student/Parents live in Lenoir County. Parent works in Greenville and would like students to attend Pitt County School.

LCPS In-District School Transfer (to attend school outside of your LCPS school attendance zone)
Complete and Submit ONLY IF:
-CURRENT RESIDENT/STUDENT OF LCPS: resides in Lenoir County and is a LCPS student; is assigned/zoned to attend 'XXX' LCPS school but would like to attend 'ZZZ' LCPS School.
-NEW STUDENT/ NEW RESIDENT of Lenoir County: student is entering LCPS as a PK/Kindergarten student OR recently moved to LC and want to attend an LCPS school OUTSIDE of their attendance zone.
-Student resides outside of Lenoir County/ LCPS Attendance Zones: Student resides in another county and is zoned to attend school in another school district; student has been released from home school district, and would like to attend a school in LCPS.